
Watch the last witch hunter potlucker
Watch the last witch hunter potlucker

I actually like the story and the special effects were NOT as horrible as everyone makes them out to be.


I think this movie was doomed before it started because of peoples idiocy and bias. Did you really think that Megatron was going to blow up the world in ANY Transformers movie? Do the bad guys ever win in ANY movie? Yes.very very few. Yes Vin has a "role" and yes it may have been "predictable". Yes Vin has a "role" and yes it may have been I feel like pretty much everyone went into this movie expecting it to be horrible and at every step in the movie they had the chance took it to make it more horrible in their own mind.

watch the last witch hunter potlucker

I feel like pretty much everyone went into this movie expecting it to be horrible and at every step in the movie they had the chance took it to make it more horrible in their own mind. I consider myself a very mainstream kind of guy as far as movie taste goes, but I am fed up with rottentomatoes and such "critic" elitists, I have a feeling that a lot of good movies never get the chance to be watched because of them. Also the ending felt a little bit rushed. I only wish the movie was longer and more detailed, i feel that most of the characters deserved an appropriate intro etc. but as far as i am concerned it is a good movie, could have been better and a lot of little things are off, but noting deserving the peculiar low score. Not sure what non-politically-correct-move did this movie pull in order to deserve all the wrath of the "elite". I almost did not watch it because of the critics' low score, but since it has a nice cast and Vin, i decided to give it a chance, turned out to be very good, it is probably the best "witch" movie out there. But I enjoyed the ride for the most part and I think it's worth a shot if this looks mildly appealing to you. We don't see original characters or original fantasy worlds much on the big screen these days, so maybe I'm just hungry for it. Pretty slick CGI for a movie of its budget too. There's flaws a'plenty but there was enough here for me to sink my teeth into the crap I like watching, simple as that. Taking the BAMF archetype and chucking them into the modern age isn't a new thing. From The Witcher to Dungeons & Dragons to The Highlander. But visually there is a lot here borrowed from a lot of things to do it's own thing.

watch the last witch hunter potlucker

The movie is bogged down by a lot of expository dialog, cannot be denied. But visually there is a lot here borrowed from a lot of things to do it's own A change of pace using the fantasy genre giving us some cool new characters and ideas. A change of pace using the fantasy genre giving us some cool new characters and ideas.

Watch the last witch hunter potlucker